Thursday, November 12, 2009


Last night Brandon and Brant did some arts and crafts.. Brandon had to make a pilgrim or indian out of a wooden clothes pin.. We had some yarn and some loose fabric.. I was busy with cooking and folding clothes and Brant is really crafty so he wanted to do this with his buddy..

We painted him and clothed him with yarn..

Almost done.....

He turned out pretty cute if I do say so myself.. Thank goodness for my handy dandy hubby's help.. This morning I had to be in our surgery center early so he got up and helped to get everyone ready and off to school.. I made them some good ole boiled eggs for breakfast and left before seven.. I am already yawning so hopefully today will not drag by.. Tonight we are going to have some cake and sushi.. Brant's fav.. I am just thankful that Abbey and Brandon will be able to enjoy his bday with some cake and dinner before they head off for the weekend.. It has been an awesome week.. My wish is that you guys had a fabulous week too.. :)