Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Great quote.. Dont dwell on those who let you down, Cherish those who hold you up!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hey guys.. It's been a while!!! I am so sorry.. I have an incredibly hard time getting to a computer to blog!! I hope that everyone has been doing well.. Today I am going to focus on reconstructing this thang here!! ha.. Justa little bit of lately in pics.. Happy Halloween everyone..

Friday, July 2, 2010


My playlist has been messing up lately!! Sorry to those who listen to it.. I have not updated it in about forever..

Missing My Posting..

New favorite quote..

I do not forgive because I am weak, I forgive because I know that people make mistakes..

I hope that everyone is doing well.. I am so so sorry for not posting more here lately.. The kids are doing well and we have stayed super busy.. I am so proud of all of them and love them so much..

Will check back in very soon and update everyone on everything when ready!!

Have a great and safe 4th of July!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Comin' Around..

Have a new mindset..

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, preservering, and steadfast spirit within me..                                                                                 Psalm 51:10

We set ourselves up either for misery or for joy by the mindset that we have toward the things in our life.. Mindsets are the patterns in which our mind normally operates toward a certain schedule today, it may seem that there is far too much to do.. But it we choose the mindset that God will help us through it, we will enjoy watching how everything falls into place..

Just wanted to let you guys know that my youngens are doing fabulous.. Abbey made the High School/Junior High Northwest Rankin fast pitch softball team.. She is so happy about this and I am so proud of her!! She made all A's and a B this past year in the 6th grade..

Brandon made the AllStar baseball team for this summer.. When he smiles from ear to ear when you tell him how proud you are of him then it just makes everything so much better.. He also made an A and a B in school.. With everything that has gone down this past school year including some major changes in our home life they both have done very well in school..

Addison is growin lika weed.. Little Miss is soon to be in pullups and we have a "big girl" potty seat for her to start training on.. She moved up to the 2 year old class in school and all I can say is time flies.. I have started thinking about 3 year old Kindergarten at different schools which is very exciting but gives me some major anxiety about making the right decision for her future..

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day today.. It certainly doesnt feel like Tuesday, but thankful that "hump day" is actually tomorrow..

Friday, May 28, 2010

Bless Someone Today..

In everything I have pointed out to you by example that, by working diligently in this manner, we ought to assist the weak, being mindful of the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, it is more blessed (makes one happier and more to be envied) to give than to recieve.. 
                                                                                                               Acts 20:35

To have a healthy love walk today, spend time this morning thinking about what you can do for somebody else.. Dont wait for God to ask you to do something; take the initiative and say, "Okay God, what can I do to be a blessing on Your behalf today?"

The best days you live are the ones you spend loving other people.. Choose a particular person, and think about ways to bless him or her.. If you dont know what to do, just listen to what he or she says, and before long you will hear of that individuals needs.. 

** I think about all of my many blessings today and am so greatful for them.. So with this devotion I will devote my time today blessing other people and praying for others and not just for myself.. We get so wrapped up in our own worlds that praying and blessing others gets put on the backburner especially when we ourselves our hurting and have wants and needs that are not being met.. So I encourage others today.. Pray for someone, bless someone elses life.. Be the salt and the light of this world.. Im am so enouraged after reading my devotion everyday and thank God for His mercy and goodness on my life.. 

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and fabulous Memorial Day weekend.. Stay safe!! 

Thursday, May 20, 2010

80's Birthday Bash..

A friend of mine celebrated her 30th birthday party and had an 80's bash.. We all dressed up in 80's gear and had a blast.. There are also pictures from other events too.. Sorry if they are blurry.. They are from my iPhone.. Good times..